It seems like this time of year that everyone is posting or broadcasting "best of" lists from 2011 so I thought I'd be a lemming an do the same. Now granted, some of these might be comic related, but there will also be other things as well. If you don't care what I like, (and let's face it, why would you) then by all means stop reading. Otherwise, read on. If nothing else this can be a fun reminder in times to come as to what things I was enjoying in the year 2011.
Best TV Comedy - Big Bang Theory - Seriously the funniest thing on TV right now for me. I actually laugh out loud at least once in every episode, and most times more than once. I can't relate to them on an intellectual level of course, but the geeky side of them makes me laugh every time. Another thing I enjoy about it is that Ann and I both really enjoy it so it's a show we can watch together.
Best TV Drama - (tie) Castle - Another show that Ann and I can enjoy together. Nathan Fillion is great. I think he's the "big kid" that a lot of us wish we could be. The whole cast is a great ensemble. There is an ongoing storyline in the background, but most of the time the episodes are stand alone episodes. There is a great mix of drama and laughs in this one. (tie) Sons of Anarchy - Where Castle is a mix of drama and comedy, SoA is full on hard core drama. It revolves around an outlaw biker group called (strangely enough) Sons of Anarchy or SAMCRO. Violence, language, and very adult themes abound in this, but it is so incredibly well written. The acting is top notch and there are twists and turns that you never see coming. This show is NOT for everyone, (and to be honest I'm kind of surprised that I like it as much as I do) but if the things mentioned above don't bother you, you may want to give this a try.
Best Book (non comic) - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. OK, this one kind of wins by default because it's the only novel I read (and when I say "read" I really mean "listened to") this year. I had heard so many people talking about this series that I finally decided that I should give it a try. Set in a future where the U.S. has crumbled to 14 districts and most people can't even feed themselves, this series poses some interesting questions and situations. Action packed and interesting characters. I heard that a lot of people didn't like the ending, but I feel like it ended pretty much how it should have. I'm looking forward to the movie coming out in March of 2012.
Best Book (comic) - Aquaman. That's right, Aquaman. Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis are knocking it out of the park every issue. Even though it's only 4 issues in so far, I look forward to this title every month. They have made me care about a character that has always just kind of "been there" before. I never hated Aquaman, but he was never more than just another member of the team he might be on at the time. Johns has given him a personality that has really made me like him. I've always been a fan on Geoff Johns so I went in with pretty high expectations, and I was actually very pleasantly surprises at how much I enjoyed it.
Best Song - Loser Like Me - I'm pretty much "GLEE'd" out as far as the show goes, but I still enjoy the music and this song was a favorite of mine for a long time this year. The words made me think of High School for a lot of reasons, plus it just had a fun as heck tune. I remember rolling the window down and the radio up a number of times in the summer while this song was playing.
Best CD - Darius Rucker "Charleston, SC 1966" - I was never a big Hootie and the Blowfish fan so the fact that I enjoyed this CD so much really came as a surprise. He has made a great trasition to country music. There is a great group of songs that just make me feel good to listen to. I think my favorite songs from it are "Southern State Of Mind", "In A Big Way," and "I Got Nothin'." It actually came out in 2010, but I got in 2011 so it made the list. Another reason I like this so much is the fact that my son, Tanner listened to "Come Back Song" ONCE and then sang along with it the very next time he heard it. It always amazes me with how his memory works. Good music folks, good music.
Best Podcast - Legion of Substitute Podcasters - With all the time I spend in my car, I have a TON of time to listen to podcast after podcast. I have a great list of podcasts to listen and I really enjoy all of them. CGS, GeeksOn, and Stuff You Should Know for example, but the guys on LSP have a way of making you feel like you're just sitting with a bunch of friends shooting the bull. I'm sure the fact that I was a guest on the show 3 times this year is also a factor, but Paul, Darren, Matt, and Scott entertain me each and every week. I look forward to them more than any other podcast out there and actually plan my listening to them for driving stretches where there will be the least ammount of stops and disturbances. LLTS!
Best Movie - Captain America: The First Avenger - My wife would disagree, but I liked this for a number of reasons. It was a great WWII show, it was a great action movie, it was a great character movie, and it was a great comic book movie. I really enjoyed the interaction with Steve Rogers and Dr. Erskine. They did a great job of showing that it was the MAN that made the hero, not the hero that made the man. Even the Red Skull was "believeable" and done really well. A close second would be X-Men: First Class.
Funniest 70 Minutes - John Pinette: I'm Starvin' - I put this on one night in a hotel and by the end of the routine my sides ached, I was out of breath and tears were running down my face. There were many times during the routine that I COULD NOT breath because I was laughing so hard. I would also hold the pillow up to my face because I knew I HAD to be disturbing the people in the next room because I was laughing sooo hard. I have actually watched it a couple more times since then and though I dont laugh quite so hard, it is still laugh out loud funny.
Best sales trip - August - I had to put this one in here because that was the trip where my son, Parker, went with me. Just the two of us for two weeks. There were times when I knew he wasn't having fun and times that I wasn't either, but for the most part it was absolutely fantastic. We would swim almost every night in the hotels and we went to a water park in Tacoma, WA on the weekend. We talked about all kinds of different things and it took me back to the times when he used to travel with me all the time. I can't believe he's 11 now. Anyway, we also stopped at a "Man v Food" diner. I can't wait for him to go with me next year.
Well, there you have it. If you're still reading then...well, I don't know what that says about you. I'm sure there are other things I could add, but that's it for now. Overall 2011 was ok, but I'm really hoping for more from 2012.