Monday, October 15, 2018

HapPy 94tH BriTHdaY

As part of working custodial for the Joseph Smith building, (my new second job) we are required to work one Sunday in 16. My first Sunday assignment was September 9th. My assignment was the bathrooms in both visitor centers on temple square, 7 bathrooms at the conference center across the street and the public restroom in the south west corner of temple square. Basically, I just made a circle from one restroom to the next for almost the entire 8 hour shift. (1:30-10pm) (my feet were killing me)

HOWEVER - they told us that the four of us working yesterday needed to meet at the break room under temple square at 8:40 because we had to go over to the church office building at 9 to clean up after Pres. Nelson's 94th birthday party with his family. Pres. As we were walking over there at the assigned time, I wondered out loud if the birthday boy might still be there. The others said, "most likely not. He would probably be there for 30 minutes or so and then leave."  I was disappointed but I understood. When we got to the lobby, there were still 10-20 people milling about so we couldn't start vacuuming. The lead asked if I would start gathering up the garbage. One of the security guards came up and said, "I know you will, but make sure you check the bathrooms. There were a LOT of poopy diapers changed here tonight. You may want some Vicks in your nostrils. A LOT, of poopy diapers." I chuckled and said we'd take care of it and thanked him for the heads up.

As I got to the second trash can, I looked to my left, and standing NOT THREE FEET AWAY FROM ME was Pres. Nelson. I looked away quickly and then did a discreet second look. He was just standing there visiting. I was very bummed because there is a "don't speak unless spoken to" rule as part of the janitorial team, so I couldn't even wish him Happy Birthday. However, in coming years I plan on telling my grand kids that I attended Pres. Nelson's 94th birthday party and that I was just over arm's reach away from him at one point. 

No reason to tell them I was taking out the trash. ðŸ˜‰ 

One other note - He was the very last one to leave. I'm assuming that he wanted to make sure that whatever family member wanted to talk to him, could.  Not a simple task as he has 10 children plus spouses, 57 grandchildren plus spouses, and 119 Great-grandchildren. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I am impressed with your ability to keep the rule. I am afraid I would have broken it...
